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23 years after the iconic spot first aired, Gatorade is bringing it back, and this time they aren't telling fans to Be Like Mike, their asking can to demonstrate what it means to #BELIKEMIKE

The Commercial

Gatorade digitally remastered and re-aired the commercial that started it all while asking fans to demonstrate what it means to #BELIKEMIKE




Fans and attendees of the NBA All-Star game got the chance to re-enact some of MJ's most famous moments.




After challenging athletes from across the country to #BeLikeMike a new commercial was made using real fans and professional athletes who did just that.


Social media drove participation and challenged fans to demonstrate what they do to #BELIKEMIKE.



Today's teens only knew Michael Jordan through archival footage. So 23 years after the iconic "Be Like Mike" commercial, a revival was in order.


To launch the campaign hashtag, we staged a live event where teens could reenact Jordan's best career moments. Soon, everyone began sharing what it means to #BeLikeMike. Even world class athletes like Usain Bolt and Serena Williams. We curated the videos and images and used the best ones to remake the original commercial from 1991.


More than 51,000 photos and images were shared, and campaign video views surpassed 39 million.


Executive Creative Director: Tony Snethen

Group Creative Director: Josh Kell

Group Creative Director: Matt Bowne

Associate Creative Director: Maggie Harn

Associate Creative Director: Adam LaRocca

Art Director: Amanda Laffoon

Art Director: Jaclyn Co

Associate Art Director: Caleb Newberg